Two minute dance party at the end of the day on “Twos”day 2/22/22

Youth and Government

There will be a teacher vs. student volleyball game this Friday, February 25, 2022. Two teams of 10 will be randomly selected on Thursday to play against the teachers. Grades, behavior, or attendance issues are reasons to not able to play. Please see Mrs. Strode or Mr. Haywood at lunch to sign up.


Social Media

Congratulations to the following SS Fair participants who competed today in the school fair and will move on to represent TCMS at the Regional SS Fair on March 12.
Sadie Negie - Basketball Through the Years
Will Northcraft - The Impact of the Discovery of Germs
Zoe Fisher - History of Dalmatians
Morgan Fisher - Destination: Devils Tower

Students do NOT need to complete snow packets for Wednesday, January 19, 2022.

Students do NOT need to complete snow packets for Tuesday, January 18, 2022.

Students do NOT need to complete snow packets for Friday, January 7th.

TCMS & TCHS Winter Sports schedules are updated on the school website & app. Use the app to add events directly to your smartphone.

LKC wrestling tournament results
December 18, 2021
10 out 13 wrestlers placed.
6 placed in the top 4
6th place finishers
Ethan Henderson
Isaiah Campbell
Wesley Kelly
5th place finisher
Gideon Winfrey
4th place finisher
Eliana Winfrey
3rd place finishers
Kayden Utt
Kellen Dalrymple
Sean Williamson
Keith Doyle
2nd place finisher
Bryce Nichols
They finished 5th as a team.

LKC wrestling tournament results
December 18, 2021
10 out 13 wrestlers placed.
6 placed in the top 4
6th place finishers
Ethan Henderson
Isaiah Campbell
Wesley Kelly
5th place finisher
Gideon Winfrey
4th place finisher
Eliana Winfrey
3rd place finishers
Kayden Utt
Kellen Dalrymple
Sean Williamson
Keith Doyle
2nd place finisher
Bryce Nichols
They finished 5th as a team.

Students making their commercials
for their insulated cups in Mrs. Myers class!


Mrs. Myers’ class studying transfer of energy…creating their own insulated cups!

The cleaning club schedule is posted outside Ms. Andexler's room. Please see Ms. Andexler if you have any questions.

Student Council meeting will be held on Tuesday Nov. 16th in Ms. Andexler's room 9th period.

3 on 3 basketball with start Wednesday 11-10 at lunch. Teams will be notified a day in advance to who is playing the next day during lunch.

TCMS Boys Basketball tryouts begin tonight. Boys cannot stay after school without a completed physical form.

Parent-Teacher Conferences are tonight from 4-7 at TCMS.