Handball intramurals are underway! We have 18 teams signed up and will be playing games in the mornings before 1st period and during lunch!
6 months ago, Mr. Winters
Today was a great day of safe, honest, and meaningful conversations! #JamiesLaw
6 months ago, Mr. Winters
The first middle school event is being held tonight in our newly renovated gym: TCMS Volleyball vs River. Welcome to The Castle!
6 months ago, Mr. Winters
Join us tomorrow for TCMS Meet the Team and meet our fall sports teams! #KnightsPride
6 months ago, Mr. Winters
TCMS Parents/Guardians: If you drop your student off at the school in the mornings, please be advised that students should not be dropped off at school before 7:30 a.m. Our staff report time is 7:30 a.m., and there will be no supervision available for students before that time. Additionally, the school doors will remain locked until 7:30 a.m. to ensure the safety of all students. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and secure environment for everyone. Please call the school if you have any questions.
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
Welcome Back, TCMS Knights! We’re so excited to have our students back for another incredible year! Today, we’re kicking off our school year with Middle School Academy, where students will learn everything they need to know to have a successful and amazing year at TCMS. We are looking forward to another journey together! #KnightsPride
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
Attention TCMS Families: Here are a few reminders from your school health nurses regarding the 24-25 school year: -All 7th grade students must receive their Tdap and Meningitis vaccinations by the first day of school, August 21st. You must send in verification of these vaccinations to the school nurse by or on the first day of school or your student will be excluded from school until records are received. -All students with emergency medications must send in physician's orders and emergency medications by or on the first day of school or your student will be excluded from school until necessary items are received. If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse!
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
Three days until we welcome our students back! Check out the schedule for our first five days of school. -Middle School Academy will be a full review of everything our students will need to know about TCMS to be successful. -Middle School Academy "Graduation" will be an exciting, and entertaining assembly in the gym to kickoff our year. We are excited to get started! Please call the school if you have any questions.
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
TCMS Families: If you were unable to attend the 6th grade/new student orientation last night, or would like to review the slides again, you can access them from our school website! Link: https://www.tylerconsolidatedmiddleschool.org/o/tcms/page/6th-grade-orientation-slides
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
Parents/Guardians of Incoming 6th Graders and New Students: Don't forget 6th grade/new student orientation will be TONIGHT: Wednesday, August 14 at 6:00pm in the auditorium! -Please park in the lower lot and enter through the middle school steps in the front of the building
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
Parents/Guardians of Incoming 6th Graders and New Students: Don't forget 6th grade/new student orientation will be TOMORROW: Wednesday, August 14 at 6:00pm in the auditorium! -Please park in the lower lot and enter through the middle school steps in the front of the building
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
📢 Attention Tyler Consolidated Middle School Families! 📢 Please take a moment to review our Field Trip Policy to ensure your student stays eligible to participate. It's crucial to stay on top of attendance, academics, and behavior requirements to avoid any surprises. This policy will apply for the Wheeling Nailers School Day Game and our end-of-year grade level field trips. Let's work together to make sure everyone is ready for a great year of learning and fun! #KnightsPride
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
field trip policy
TCMS is excited to welcome our new staff members to the Silver Knights family! We know they are going to help make the 2024-2025 school year the best year yet, and we are thrilled to witness their amazing skills in action!
7 months ago, Kayla Morris
New Staff
Parents/Guardians of Incoming 6th Graders and New Students: Don't forget 6th grade/new student orientation will be this Wednesday, August 14 at 6:00pm in the auditorium! -Please park in the lower lot and enter through the middle school steps in the front of the building
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
TCMS 🏐 Volleyball Tryouts will begin August 12th-14th. Monday August 12th 4-6pm Tuesday August 13th 4-6pm Wednesday August 14th 3-5pm Athletes must have the following: Physical Insurance Knee pads Tennis shoes Water bottle Parents and athletes: please park in the circle and enter the middle school side by going up the stairs. We will need parents to fill out paperwork prior to tryouts. We will be there at 3:30 pm to check in. Practice will begin Thursday August 15th 4-6pm and schedules will be handed out with season information.
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
Good evening, Tyler Consolidated Middle School Students, Parents, and Guardians. This message is a reminder that the first day of school for students in grades 6 through 8 is Wednesday, August 21st. If you wish to get a head start on your student’s first day packets, they can be accessed at the following link https://tinyurl.com/tcms-student or on the school website. You may mail, e-mail, or deliver completed forms to high school during school hours or send forms back with your student when they return on August 21st. We hope that everyone has had a great and relaxing summer and look forward to welcoming everyone back to school soon. If you have any questions, please call the school. Have a great evening.
7 months ago, Kayla Morris
We are thrilled to announce the completion of our newly renovated gym at TCMS! A big thank you to The Barn Artist for the stunning mural, and Ohio Floor Company for the beautiful court work. We look forward to seeing our gym filled with students on August 21, and filled with Knights fans during game days. We appreciate everyone who contributed to this amazing transformation! #KnightsPride
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
Thank you to the TCHS Football Team for helping us unload our student backpacks! We are very fortunate that the Tyler County Board of Education has provided backpacks filled with school supplies to all our students for this school year! #KnightsPride
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
🗓️Looking Ahead🗓️ This is our game plan for the first 5 days of school. Students will be given plenty of time to settle in their new routines, and become acclimated before we hit the ground running in the classroom. Middle School Academy "Graduation" will consist of a review of our Academy, a short assessment to check for understanding, more time with advisors for housekeeping tasks, and a fun celebration with teachers! iReady Diagnostics will be completed in the first days of school so we can provide targeted intervention to our students as soon as possible! Let us know if you have any questions!
7 months ago, Mr. Winters
‼️19 Days until the first day of school‼️ 💡Here are some things you should know💡 -6th Grade/New Student Orientation will be on August 14 at 6:00pm -Check out our Overview of Opportunities at TCMS! -We have some exciting new initiatives, programs, and facility updates coming your way! -On the first day of school, TCMS students will all be taking part in Middle School Academy to learn all of our procedures, expectations, and become equipped with all the knowledge they will need to be successful in middle school! We are looking forward to being back with you all again soon! #KnightsPride
7 months ago, Mr. Winters